

Spoken or Signed

Interpreters convert spoken or signed (SASL) expressions from one language into another


Translators convert written expressions from one language into another

Real Time

Interpreters work in real time
they interpret at the same time as the original is spoken = simultaneous
or they speak in pauses in between = consecutive

Scheduled Delivery

Translation takes time to be completed

Both Languages

Interpreters are fluent in both languages

Target Language

Translators often specialize in one direction only

On The Spot

Interpreters work in real time without additional resources


Translators use dictionaries

Example: Business Meeting

Interpreters ensure smooth communication flow

Example: Marketing Material

Includes brochures, website content etc.

Conference Equipment

Interpreters use headsets with microphones,
or speak freely


Translators use laptops and CAT software

Out there

Interpreters come to wherever they’re needed.
Conferences, hospitals, courts, meetings, factories etc.

Home Office

Translators work mostly from home,
sometimes in an office environment


Interpreters are more likely to be extroverts


Translators are more likely to be introverts

Business Attire

Interpreters being usually embedded with their clients,
the dress code is more formal


Essentially working on their own,
translators tend to dress casually